What If You Could Persuade Anyone To Do What You Want... Using 39 Simple Brain Triggers?
These Are The Same Triggers Tai Lopez Teaches His Chief Marketing Officers
Persuasion Is Easy...
When you know how to trigger the brain.
There are 39 different triggers.
Triggers that any human can use...
- These triggers work whether you're a plumber...
- A construction worker...
- An accountant...
- A student
- If you're doing ecommerce...
- If you're in Real Estate...
- They work if you're a stay at home mom...
Anyone can use them.
I've Used These Triggers To Get
$325,363.38 Revenue Days On Shopify
What would your life look like if...
- You could trigger circuits in the brain that make humans do whatever you want...
- Your ads convinced thousands to buy your product...
- What you make in a year turned into what you make in a month...
- If your videos were shared by millions of people and got you an extra 300,000 followers...
- Persuading your boss to give you a raise was easy...
- You knew exactly how to attract your ideal mate because you know the right triggers...
- You knew how to stop making impulsive mistakes that cost you time and money...
- Read any person and see exactly what triggers you should use to get a better deal...
- Could trigger your children into doing what you know is best for them...
- Trigger yourself to follow through with all of your goals...
- Influence thousands of people and create loyal fans on command...
Some of these triggers are so powerful that they can work alone.
For example:
This Ad Got 392,406 Likes With 1 Trigger!
And millions in revenue...
The ad below has 392,406 likes...
It uses the "Demonstration Trigger".
They show how the product works...
That makes people want to buy it.
Wealth Is All About Persuasion
To get thousands of people to give you their hard earned money...
You need to be persuasive.
You need to use the right triggers.
Master all 39 Triggers and you can bend any human to your will.
What Triggers Will I Get?
All 39 Triggers. You're going to get Triggers like:
- The Reward & Punishment Superresponce Tendency
- The Dark Triad Narcissism Trigger
- The Apple iPhone Bias: Don't Be A Nudist Buddhist
- The Goldfish Attention Trigger
- The Grandfather Familiar Bias
- Dark Triad Machiavellian Trigger
- Dark Triad Psychosis Trigger
- Demonstration Trigger
- The Clever Use Of 'Um'
- Congruence/Incongruence Bias
- And 29 more triggers...